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facebook dating expands to europe

today, we’re launching facebook dating in europe to help more people find meaningful relationships through things they have in common, like interests, events and groups. since the launch of facebook dating, over 1.5 billion matches have been created in the 20 countries where the feature is available.

facebook dating is a dedicated, opt-in space within the facebook app, and you can create a facebook dating profile in just a few taps. facebook dating makes it easier to share your true self and gives you a more authentic look at who someone is.

some key features include:

stories: stories in dating enable you to share moments from your everyday life so you can find a meaningful connection with someone who is interested in what you’re into. if you choose to share facebook or instagram stories on your dating profile, you can show, rather than tell, people who you are and get to know someone better before and after you match.

secret crush: the secret crush feature lets you explore potential relationships with people you already know on facebook and/or instagram. facebook dating won’t suggest your facebook friends as potential matches, but if you choose to use secret crush, you can select up to nine of your facebook friends or instagram followers who you’re interested in. if your crush adds you to their secret crush list too, it’s a match! if your crush isn’t on dating, doesn’t create a secret crush list or doesn’t put you on their list — then your crush will not know that you’ve entered their name.

events and groups: you can choose to see other people who are using facebook dating with similar interests by opting in to add your facebook events and groups to dating. so if you’re looking for a fellow dog lover, you can see others using dating who are also in the pet owner groups you’re in.

virtual dates: so you’ve matched with someone in dating, and you’re ready to video chat with each other. we’re rolling out a feature where you can start a video chat with your match by tapping on the video icon in your chat. starting the call will send an invitation, and once they accept, they will join your video call and you can get to know each other better. your first name and dating profile photo will be displayed when starting the call.

finding a romantic partner is deeply personal, which is why we built dating with safety, security and privacy at the forefront. we worked with experts in these areas to provide easy access to safety tips and build protections into facebook dating, including the ability to report and block anyone, as well as stopping people from sending photos, links, payments or videos in messages. we won’t suggest current facebook friends as potential matches or notify them that you’ve joined dating. for example, your dating profile, dating messages, and who you like or match with in dating won’t appear on your facebook news feed. we’re committed to making facebook dating a place where people feel comfortable looking for a date and starting meaningful relationships. learn more about how we’re protecting people’s privacy in dating.


today, facebook dating is rolling out to austria, belgium, bulgaria, cyprus, czech republic, denmark, estonia, finland, france, germany, greece, croatia, hungary, ireland, italy, lithuania, luxembourg, latvia, malta, netherlands, poland, portugal, romania, sweden, slovenia, slovakia, iceland, liechtenstein, norway, spain, switzerland and the united kingdom.

facebook dating is also currently available in 20 other countries: argentina, bolivia, brazil, canada, chile, colombia, ecuador, guyana, laos, malaysia, mexico, paraguay, peru, the philippines, singapore, suriname, thailand, the united states, uruguay and vietnam.

learn more at facebook.com/dating.



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下一篇 2023-03-05 13:51


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