1. "在装修前,一定要制定详细的预算计划。"(before decoration, be sure to develop a detailed budget plan.)
2. "选择适合你家居风格和需求的装修材料非常重要。"(it's very important to choose decoration materials that suit your home style and needs.)
3. "与有经验的装修师傅合作可以确保装修质量。"(collaborating with experienced decoration craftsmen can ensure decoration quality.)
4. "在装修过程中,一定要注意安全问题。"(during the decoration process, be sure to pay attention to safety issues.)
5. "不要忽视照明设计,它可以大大提升家居氛围。"(don't ignore lighting design, it can greatly enhance the home atmosphere.)
6. "在选择家具时,要考虑到实用性和美观性的平衡。"(when choosing furniture, consider the balance between practicality and aesthetics.)
7. "墙面颜色的选择会对整个家居风格产生很大影响。"(the choice of wall color can have a big impact on the overall home style.)
8. "合理规划空间布局可以让你的家更舒适。"(reasonable planning of spatial layout can make your home more comfortable.)
9. "装修过程中要及时与装修师傅沟通,确保你的需求得到满足。"(during the decoration process, communicate with the decoration craftsmen in a timely manner to ensure that your needs are met.)
10. "不要忘记在装修完成后进行彻底的清洁。"(don't forget to carry out thorough cleaning after the decoration is completed.)